What we’re about
The International Women's Achievement Alliance is a global network of women serving women so they can better serve themselves and their families. We are promoting a prosperous Living lifestyle as a holistic approach in achieving our goals.
The IWAA purpose is to positively stimulate the mature person experiencing any of the many life transitions by applying the IWAA Achievement Principles. These principles have been carefully crafted and researched for effectiveness and creativity. This involves identifying and using your strengths and other related untapped resources such as your natural environment, connections, personal skills, and identifying untapped opportunities. We will empower you by linking you to resources for career, business, educational tools and lifetime opportunities.
As a Global Network of Women, this group is now virtual with a yearly conference,workshops and private consulting sessions one on one or group sessions. We also have a Facebook page and group page for conversations, networking and promotions. We ask you to please visit our pages and communicate with other participants sharing your challenges as well as successes.
We seek to inspire you with testimonies of real life stories of success that have used our proven methodology of relying on the IWAA achievement principles that have demonstrated proven results.
All postings will be done via the message board and email system of this forum.
Thank you and Welcome to the group.
'Achieveving your best life ever is our goal.'