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ONLINE Theology & Apologetics Weekly Discussion

Photo of Todd Hedgcoth
Hosted By
Todd H.


Password = 123456

A Discussion Group (Not a Bible Study)

Although we do discuss the Bible, this group is not a Bible study; it is a discussion group.

We discuss topics regarding religious faith, practice and experience including the following: Christian theology; the Bible; Atheism and other Skeptics; Islam; Mormonism; Charismatic theology; Calvinism and Reformed theology; Dispensationalism; End-Times Eschatology; King James Onlyism; Mysticism; Universalism; Separation of Church and State; ethics; etc. Topics are decided by those attending so bring a list of your favorites.

Everyone is welcome to join the group. Many perspectives are represented ranging from born-again Christians to Atheists and other skeptics and non-believers. We have spirited discussions and debates but we do so in a friendly and respectful manner.

You are welcome to participate in the discussions or just listen. Be prepared to be challenged (so come with a thick skin). And feel free to challenge the beliefs, assumptions and thoughts of others in a respectful way.

A Note about Attendance
Many new people ask, "Will you and I be the only ones there? Nobody else has RSVP'd." Most of the attendees of this group have been coming for a long time and do not bother to RSVP. There are typically about 6 to 12 people who show up each week.

A Note to Christians

This is your opportunity to meet actual unbelievers who are asking you to explain the Gospel and your beliefs to them. This is a great forum to practice witnessing and putting forth a defense of your faith. You may find that defending your faith and presenting the Gospel to real live unbelievers is a bit different from reading books on witnessing or just talking about witnessing with other Christians at church. As the New Testament indicates, the Gospel is an offense to unbelievers so we should not be surprised when the unbeliever reacts out of that offense. Set your expectations accordingly. It may be difficult at first but this group will give you excellent preparation for sharing the Gospel and defending your faith. This group is not for the fainthearted (but neither is biblical Christianity).

Being prepared to defend our faith is the duty of the Christian according to the Apostle Peter:

1 Peter 3:14-17 - 14b Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil.

Photo of ONLINE Theology & Apologetics Discussion group
ONLINE Theology & Apologetics Discussion
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