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RE: [theology-1] THEOLOGY DISCUSSION TONIGHT AT 8PM - Exploring Dispensationalism

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, August 5, 2011, 6:01 AM
I really would have liked to mak it last night, but I have a big job interview I had to get up early and prep for.
I was taught "Covenent Theology" at Letoruneau, but had it confused with dispensationalism.
I will try to make some of the next meetups, since I may be between jobs awhile.  I usually got to bed about 8-9pm so I can get up super early to beat the heat and traffic before work.
Mike Behrend

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [theology-1] THEOLOGY DISCUSSION TONIGHT AT 8PM - Exploring Dispensationalism
Date: Thu, 4 Aug[masked]:18:03 -0400

Hello Theologians...
Tonight at 8pm, we will have a discussion (and perhaps debate) on Dispensationalism. 
Dispensationalism is a theological system that teaches biblical history is best understood in light of a number of successive administrations of God's dealings with mankind, which it calls "dispensations." It maintains fundamental distinctions between God's plans for national Israel and for the New Testament Church, and emphasizes prophecy of the end-times and a pre-tribulation rapture of the church prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Dispensationalism is very popular among Christians.  Many Christians are probably Dispensationalists without even knowing it.  Dispensationalism is not just about end-times (the "Left Behind" series is Dispensationalist).  It affects how one views "Israel" and "the Church" and many other aspects of Christianity. 
There are different variations of Dispensationalism, including "Acts 28 Dispensationalism" (also known as "Hyper-Dispensationalism") and "Progressive Dispensationalism" (which some say is very similar to the traditional rival of Dispensationalism called "Covenant Theology" which is disparagingly referred to as "Replacement Theology" by some Dispensationalists). 
Our speakers this evening will be Richard (an "Acts 28 Dispensationalist") and Rob (more of a regular Dispensationalist or "Classical Dispensationalist").  Todd can provide the "Covenant Theology" view as needed.  As usual, we will have a moderated discussion period so all of these views can be examined. 
Here are a few links on that may be useful:
Looking forward to seeing everyone there tonight at 8pm at the IHOP on 121 and Glade. 

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]