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Save the date! They Call it Puppy Love Pet Therapy Meetup!

From: Becky
Sent on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 11:08 PM
Early Notice to Save The Date!

Please RSVP early if you can! We will send out one more reminder in two weeks.

In the spirit of Valentines the month of February love abounds! And it abounds for our hounds as well! We love our doggies year round but why not celebrate our Puppy Love with a Meetup this February! 30 gift bags with goodies to the first 30 guest to arrive!

Save the date: Saturday February 20th Time: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Location: Crystal Creek Farms Otherwise known as Puppy Manners Ranch, home to the Bishop Family. Five acres of doggie paradise!

Donations will be welcome and accepted. All donations will go directly to helping one of our local Reading with Rover team members who is leaving for Haiti with other local crisis response teams from Duval and Woodinville. Her dog will be staying home (Earl would LOVE to go and serve too but not safe for furry friends) She will be in everyones thoughts and prayers. Christy Dunn, you ROCK! 100% of the donations accepted will go to help Christy and her teams of EMT's to help the children of Haiti

Some dogs are just not that into dogs, they make for great therapy dogs but they may not enjoy a dog filled meetup. If your dog is shy just let us know, we will have a shy guy area, or leave your doggie home to chew on a bone while you go out and meetup with a group of people who want to help you on this journey of pet therapy. If you do not have a dog, or your dog wants to stay home we are happy to provide you a loaner dog. But fair warning, note "loan" you do have to give he doggie back. :) Also if you are looking to adopt a dog there will be several adoptable dogs here that you can visit with! May not come with a dog but could leave with one of our rescued Rovers! ;)