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The Self Development Circle | Book Discussion

Photo of Elly
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The Self Development Circle | Book Discussion


Welcome to our upcoming book discussion! We are so happy to have you!

We are thrilled to be reading, “Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown and will be discussing the book during our discussion.

We can’t wait to meet you and see our returning members soon! 🥰

The purpose is to meet to discuss our book chosen around self-development/self-help books and enjoy connecting with like-minded souls looking to become the best version of themselves. We have other self-development webinars

We would love for you to join us! We will be meeting virtually - that means we'd love to meet YOU anywhere you are. We can't wait to meet you!

Happy reading! 📖

Just a little bit about me: My name is Elly and I am a nerd for books! I've been reading books since I was a shy little girl wanting to know how to connect with people more - I was about 12 years old. I picked up a self-development book that year and haven't looked back. Hope to meet you or see you again very soon!

Over the years, I have read tons of books in the areas of psychology and self-development, but I realized that I wasn't getting the results that I truly wanted.

Books and podcasts only got me so far...

It wasn't until I began working with a life coach, that things started to change. Working with a life coach helped me receive a customized roadmap, put my reading into action (which produced results) and I learned tools and strategies that saved decades of time and money.

Life coaching has had such a huge impact on my life that I now have the privilege of serving as a Board Certified Life Coach helping clients, virtually or in-person, create more balance, fulfillment and happiness in their lives.

P.S. - We've had many members ask about my contact info and creating/setting goals, how to overcome limiting beliefs, etc., so here's my info below. It's such a pleasure to meet you and look forward to continuing to serve!

Cheers to the best version of you!

Balance | Fulfillment | Happiness Life Coach, BCC (Board Certified Coach)
ENSPIRd Life Coaching
Interested in a 15-min. complimentary discovery session? Click here.

Photo of The Self Development Circle group
The Self Development Circle
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