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New Meetup: Bellydance drum solo choreography workshops with Michaella

From: Johara
Sent on: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 8:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London Belly Dance!

What: Bellydance drum solo choreography workshops with Michaella

When: Saturday, October 30,[masked]:00 AM

Where: The Place
17 Duke's Road
Camden Town

Michaella Bellydance

Bellydance drum solo choreography workshops with Michaella

The drum is the most essential instrument in Egyptian music as a solo instrument and as part of an orchestra. It is strong and dominant yet sensual and grounding. In this workshop we will be working to understand its technique both rhythmically and physically through movement.

Part 1 - (11am-1pm): Exploring which movement to which rhythm. Learn to recognize the different rhythms, their names and how to count them. We will also go through, learn and exercise the choreo movements.

Part 2 - (1pm-3pm): The drum solo choreography. Here we will put into action all the work established in the first part, learning and defining it performing standard.

Appropriate for students of all levels although if you think you are comfortable with your technique and only wish to learn a choreography, there is an option to participate in the second half only.

17 Duke's Road,
London WC1H 9PY

Nearest tube: Euston, Euston Square and Kings Cross.


11am - 3pm.

Price: ?35 for the complete workshop / ?20 for the 2h choreography only (2nd half).

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