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FinTech Melbourne - New Event + Website

From: Thomas A.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 12:14 PM

FinTech Melbourne

Hey Everyone,

Our friends at FinTech Melbourne are making great strides in building the FinTech community here in Melbourne!

They have another event coming up on the 19th, check out more info below or HERE. They also just launched their new website which is a must see if you are active (or want to be) in Melbourne's FinTech space, check out the website HERE.

We at Startup Victoria have a new Lean Startup Melbourne coming up, this month it is all about AngelCube's startups. Check out more info and register HERE.

And now without further ado, the message from FinTech Melbourne:


How I raised $30 million for my Melb FinTech startup Moula

Aris Allegos CEO of Moula recently raised $30 million in his Series A from local investors.

As a Melbourne based startup, Moula helps small businesses get loans in just minutes.

Join us on Wed the 19th of August and find out about Aris' story and how he and the team did it by RSVPing at

Website launched:

We've just launched our FinTech Melbourne website at with a focus on news, startup listings and events.  If you're interested in contributing or know of FinTech startups that can be listed, we'd love to hear from you!  Just email us at [address removed]




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