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New Meetup: Holiday-Birthday Celebration Game Night

From: Roxanne - R.
Sent on: Monday, November 8, 2010, 12:05 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Urban Triangle!

What: Holiday-Birthday Celebration Game Night

When: Saturday, December 4,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

Where: Esta's House
address will be emailed later
Raleigh, NC 27610

Festive Event, so please dress in the following colors: Red, White, Silver, Gold and Green
No jeans, sweats, sneaks or t-shirts

Bring a wrapped gift, for The White Elephant Gift Exchange. Gifts can be new, gently used or a gag gift. Be creative!

[ Each participant is asked to bring along a gift worth no more than $10.00. ~Participants draw numbers from a hat to determine their swap order from one up to the total number of participants. ~ Each person gets a crack at choosing a gift. The person who picks the first gift opens it and shows it to the rest of the company. Then the number two participant picks a gift and chooses to either unwrap it or exchange it for an unwrapped gift. If the gift is exchanged, the person who had their gift taken from them gets to unwrap the chosen gift and the turn passes. ~ When all the gifts have been opened, the game is over ]

Scheduled Events Include:

7:00 - "Guess Who I Am?"
8:00 - Taboo
9:00 - White Elephant Gift Exchange
10:30 - Left Right Center bring your dollar bills
11:30 - Grand Prize Left Right Center jackpot, plays with $5 bills

Of course, cards all night as well as other board games.


Ham, Candied Yams, Green Beans, 7 Layers Salad, Roast Beef, Seasoned Rice, Shrimp & Spinach Sun, Dried Tomato Pasta, Bread, Cookies, Poundcake, Red Velvet Cake, Champagne Punch, Sweet Tea, Soda, and Egg Nog. So bring your big, holiday appetite!

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