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Re: [socialnetwork-364] I need your Help?? What should we do about Attendance at our events?

From: Crystal F.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 12:59 PM

I found this on the organizer message board.  I think we should adopt a similar policy.


ATTENDANCE & RSVPS: The focus in this group is on participation. We don't hang onto inactive members.
If you don't attend an event during your first 2 months, you'll automatically be bumped from the group (and can rejoin when you're more available).

Your RSVPs are very important to whoever is planning the event needs an accurate headcount.

If you've said "YES" to an event, and then you find that you can't make it --- change your RSVP.

If it's a last minute thing -- you need to call the Event Organizer to let them know that your plans have changed.

If you've RSVP'd "YES" -- then don't show up -- and make no attempt to contact the event planner -- that's a NO SHOW. Repeated No Shows will result in being bumped from the group.

From: Priscilla <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, February 9,[masked]:03:09 PM
Subject: [socialnetwork-364] I need your Help?? What should we do about Attendance at our events?

The Urban Triangle Organizers use our time and money (we are not paid and we pay for our own event fees) to make sure Urban Triangle members have a variety of events to attend. Unfortunately, many of you RSVP for events but never show up. This is often a problem.

To prepare for you, we often have to reserve tables, provide seating and make arrangements for you at other members home but you don't show up. WHY?

I have an event scheduled at the end of the month at The Oliver Twist Lounge in Raleigh that I believe will be a great place. I have reserved a section for us so that we can all sit together. However, they have asked that we meet their minimum spending limit of $500. If the 90 + ppl that have RSVP'd come and spend the required $10 (as posted) this will not be a problem at all. As organizers we have ALL come to realize that if 90ppl RSVP we plan for 20 maybe 30. We see it over and over again. I am considering canceling the reserved space (not the event) because if we don't meet the spending limit the remaining amount will go on my credit card.

What should the TUT Organizers do? We are consistently frustrated about this issue. We have to show up, can't you show us the same courtesy? I look forward to your responses.

I would like to send a special SHOUT OUT to the members that consistently show up to our events. We appreciate YOU more than you know.

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