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What we’re about

Welcome to Coffee+ Chat +Connection! We're all about creating a warm and relaxed atmosphere where we can enjoy genuine human interaction. Everyone is absolutely welcome here!

Our events take place twice a month at various locations across the Chicagoland area, from the suburbs to the heart of the city. It's a fantastic opportunity to explore, discover new places, and of course, make valuable connections.
These gatherings aim to foster connections between individuals and serves as an alternative option for socializing without the involvement of alcohol.

It is important to note that this gathering is not intended for dating purposes, and conversations pertaining to topics that may create discomfort are discouraged. Instead, take this opportunity to have light-hearted and enjoyable interactions. Whether you want to share a captivating story, discuss the latest movie you watched, recite a poem, or simply be a good listener, you will find a welcoming and non-judgmental space here.

We're genuinely looking forward to seeing you there!