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New Meetup: One Free Workshop Ticket

From: Candice
Sent on: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 1:04 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Tiny House!

What: One Free Workshop Ticket

When: Thursday, November 4,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

One Free Ticket to Jay Shafer's Saturday Building Workshop California:
Courtyard Marriott
175 Railroad Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

$275 worth of workshop you are welcome to have it for free because my partner cannot go. It's always good to have someone to talk to and learn what I didn't pick up at workshop. Two brains is better then one and four ears is better then two :-) It is 13 hours drive. If I you are going with me, We can leave Friday. If I am drive alone, I will be leaving Thursday. Please email me [address removed] for details or questions (sorry it is kind last minute thing).

Saturday?s Building Class
8:30 am ? 9:00 am Check In
9:00 am ? 9:10 am Introduction:
Jay introduces himself and talks about the format of the class.
9:10 am ? 9:30 am Class Introduction:
Here we get a chance to meet everyone, learn about where they are from and what brings them to the class.
9:30 am ? 9:45 am Building codes and Zoning:
Learn about size standards and how the zoning affects where you can put different houses.
9:45 am ? 10:00 am International Building Code & Loopholes:
Requirements that restrict house sizes and some loopholes and how to get around them.
10:00 am ? 10:20 am How to read plans:
A discussion on common symbols, scale, and pages you should expect with house plans.
10:20 am ? 10:30 am Tools:
Jay discusses the 14 tools he used to build his house and the importance of each. He also explains ways to use some tools for more than one purpose.
10:30 am ? 10:40 am Break
10:40 am ? 11:00 am Standard Foundations:
We discuss how to make the 3 most common types of foundations.
11:00 am ? 11:10 am Trailer Foundation:
How to use a trailer as the foundation.
11:10 am ? 11:40 am Floor framing:
How to frame a floor specifically for a trailer to deal with insects and water, as well as how to attach it to the trailer.
11:40 am ? 12:00 pm Wall Framing:
Tips to build your walls.
12:00 pm ? 12:30 pm Bracing, lifting and sheeting walls:
How to attach the walls to the house one by one and make sure they are secure.
12:30 pm ? 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm ? 2:15 pm Roofing, Siding, Trim:
Types of roofing, trim and siding are discussed as well as different methods to install.
2:15 pm ? 2:30 pm Windows:
Learn about window size requirements and types of windows.
2:30 pm ? 2:50 pm Doors:
How to make a door to fit your tiny house.
2:50 pm ? 3:15 pm Insulation:
Why condensations happens. What is R-Value. Why many green materials just don?t work in tiny houses.
3:15 pm ? 3:20 pm Plumbing & Water Heaters:
We advocate hiring a plumber, but discuss easy things to do yourself. Also talk about different types of water heaters.
3:20 pm ? 3:30 pm Toilets:
Standard, low flush, incinerating and composting are all discussed.
3:30 pm ? 3:40 pm Break
3:40 pm ? 4:00 pm Electricity:
We advocate hiring a professional but discuss ways to save money and be safe doing it yourself.
4:00 pm ? 5:00 pm Questions & Answers:
Jay answers your specific questions that may not have been addressed by the general topics.

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