What we’re about
Together in Solitude with Nature is for anyone that desires to cultivate solitude, spend more time in nature, and make new friends in the process.
Join me on a Nature Walk & Sit, where you'll have the opportunity to practice solitude and share your experience with others. My hope is that you'll discover what works for you and incorporate it more regularly into your life.
What to expect:
- Where: Chicagoland forest preserve
- Duration: ~2 hours
- Group Size: no more than 10
- Walking Distance: 1-3 miles
- Agenda:
- Meet & Greet (5 min)
- Silent Walk (10-30 min)
- Split Up and Practice Solitude (45 min)
- Regroup and Share (15 min)
- Non-Silent Walk Back (10-30 min)
- Are the Nature Walk & Sits free to attend? Yes! If you would like, you can pitch in a few dollars to cover MeetUp costs, but don't feel obligated.
- What should I bring to a Nature Walk & Sit? First and foremost, dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Next, bring whatever you need to practice solitude (ex. journal and a pen) and a timer so you know when to regroup with others. If you plan on using your phone as the timer, know that I will ask you to put it on Silent and Do Not Disturb before we start the walk. Other than that, you may want to bring water/your hygge drink of choice and a blanket/chair to sit on. Note, you'll need to carry everything with you so pack wisely.
- How challenging will the trails be? Easy as in slightly more difficult than walking on a paved sidewalk. I will pick trails with little to no soft inclines.
- What do I do during "Practice Solitude"? Whatever you want. I recommend trying something different each time until you know what works for you. Remember to bring whatever materials you will need. Here are some ideas to get you started: journal, write poetry, sketch something you see, read a fiction book, meditate or pray, do deep breathing exercises, yoga, or Tai Chi, walk barefoot
- Can my kid(s) attend? No, not unless they're over 13, they sincerely want to attend the Nature Walk & Sit, and you'll let them venture off by themselves without you worrying about them. I want to ensure that the Silent Walk portion is truly silent and that everyone has the opportunity to practice solitude without distractions.
- Can I bring my dog (or other pets)? No. Same rationale as above question. Also, some trails don't allow pets.