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unnecessary suffering

From: Ran
Sent on: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 11:25 PM
The currency in which one is required to pay for the development of one's soul is through abandonment of
unnecessary suffering.

We will work with conscious suffering and unnecessary suffering.

Please contact me for location of our meeting,


Here is a moment with Hafiz, may his words fill you with Love and expand your soul to wider horizons.

Love and Light Fayina

Awake Awhile

It does not have to be
Right Now.
One Step upon the Sky's soft skirt
Would be enough.
Awake awhile
Just one True moment of Love
Will last for days.
Rest all your elaborate plans and tactics
for Knowing Him,
For they are all just frozen spring buds
So far from Summer's Divine Gold.
Awake, my dear.
Be kind to your sleeping heart.
Take it out into the vast fields of Light
And let it breathe.
Give me back my wings,
Lift me,
Lift me nearer."
Say to the sun and the moon,
Say to our dear Friend,
"I will take You up now, Beloved,
On that wonderful Dance You promised!"

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