Meet other local individuals interested in exploring all forms of Alternative Energy. Discuss ways to preserve the world's resources and protect the environment!
groupsRelated Topics:
Largest Alternative Energy groups
The Greener Good - pour un mode de vie plus écologique
1,159 Membres | Lyon,Organized by Clémentine Greenergood
Tousolar, l'installateur photovoltaïque éthique occitan
38 les colibris TOUSOLAR | Toulouse,Organized by Guillaume
Maison Passive Caen Normandie Meetup
24 passivistes de Normandie | Caen,Organized by Jean-Yves Mesnil
Newest Alternative Energy groups
Ateliers de sensibilisation à l'écologie - Fresque du Climat
3 Members
Started Jan 1 in Nice, fr
Tousolar, l'installateur photovoltaïque éthique occitan
38 les colibris TOUSOLAR
Started Jan 1 in Toulouse, fr
The Greener Good - pour un mode de vie plus écologique
1159 Membres
Started Jan 1 in Lyon, fr
Maison Passive Caen Normandie Meetup
24 passivistes de Normandie
Started Jan 1 in Caen, fr
Les Amis de Beppe Grillo a Paris
378 Metapperi Ingrillati
Started Jan 1 in Paris, fr