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Organized by Dharmit Shah

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Computing Ahmedabad
1,656 Kubernauts | Ahmedabad,

Organized by Saleem Ansari

Bangalore goPaddle Meetup on DevOps, Docker & Kubernetes
1,120 gopaddlers | Bangalore,

Newest OpenShift groups
Kubernetes and Cloud Native Computing Ahmedabad
1656 Kubernauts
Started Jan 1 in Ahmedabad, in
Kubernetes Bangalore ( K8sBLR)
10188 Kubernauts
Started Jan 1 in Bangalore, in
Bangalore goPaddle Meetup on DevOps, Docker & Kubernetes
1120 gopaddlers
Started Jan 1 in Bangalore, in
K8SUG India
3633 K8SUGers
Started Jan 1 in Bangalore, in