Meet other local people interested in Software QA and Testing: share experiences, inspire and encourage each other! Join a Software QA and Testing group.
groupsRelated Topics:
Largest Software QA and Testing groups
Organized by Fabian Baptista

Meetup de Testing de Software en Ciudad de México
287 testers | México City,

Organized by Juan Antonio Olintonatiuh Betanc

Guadalajara GNU/Linux Meetup
274 Linuxero | Guadalajara,

Newest Software QA and Testing groups
QA Minds community
306 QA Minders
Started Jan 1 in Zapopan, mx
Agile y Scrum Training
470 Agilista
Started Jan 1 in México City, mx
Meetup de Testing de Software en Ciudad de México
287 testers
Started Jan 1 in México City, mx
Guadalajara GNU/Linux Meetup
274 Linuxero
Started Jan 1 in Guadalajara, mx
PHP Mexico
2625 Devs
Started Jan 1 in México City, mx
Talks QA
229 Members
Started Jan 1 in Colima, mx