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Confusing Terminology in AI Safety

Photo of Giles
Hosted By
Giles and Mario G.
Confusing Terminology in AI Safety


Getting here: Enter the lobby at 100 University Ave (right next to St Andrew subway station), and message Giles Edkins on the meetup app or call him on 647-823-4865 to be let up to room 6H.

What even is "artificial intelligence"? What do we mean when we talk about "models", "policies", "agents" and "alignment"?

Sometimes we're just full of confusing jargon and we know it. This light-hearted presentation will take a look at some of the worst examples, many of them already entrenched in machine learning literature. Behind it all, of course, there's a serious point - clear communication is vital and we want to make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to the main concepts.

Come ready with your own pet peeves!

We welcome a variety of backgrounds, opinions and experience levels.

Photo of Toronto AI Safety group
Toronto AI Safety
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