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What we’re about

Join us for transformative gatherings in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Winnipeg, and other Canadian cities. Delve into awakening the Kundalini energy within through Life Force Energy/Kundalini activations, Non-Dual States of Consciousness Transmissions, Healing Circles, and Inner Guidance. We will explore ways to alleviate stress, gain deeper self-understanding, and connect with your Higher Self.

What is Kundalini Activation Process?
Kundalini is a term from ancient times describing the vital energy that moves through everything in the universe. Similar to concepts like qi or prana, kundalini is seen as the root of all creation and our consciousness. It's a special, hidden energy inside each person, waiting to be awakened.

Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a powerful method that helps awaken this energy inside you. It's unique because it involves a direct energy transmission that activates this awakening. Unlike practices such as kundalini yoga, tantra, or chi gong, where you work to raise your own energy, KAP brings energy from above down to you, filling you from top to bottom naturally and gently. The energy knows what you need and adjusts itself to your needs without overwhelming you.

Regularly participating in KAP can deeply change your brain and nervous system. This can lead to a big spiritual awakening. People in KAP often experience all the different signs of awakening, from the beginning stages to the more advanced ones.

One of the cool things about KAP is that anyone can try it, no matter their experience level. You just need to come with an open heart and mind, ready to let go of control and without expecting anything specific. This direct flow of energy helps us discover our true essence.

Learn more on my website: ESSENCE RISING

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