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Re: [filmind-21] Noncommercials - Ethnic Opportunities

From: Sophia
Sent on: Wednesday, July 18, 2007, 12:27 PM
Hey I really like Tade's Ethnic TV idea as a stepping stone, you guys?

---- Original Message ----
From: Tade Credgeur <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wed, 18 Jul[masked]:03 am
Subject: [filmind-21] Noncommercials - Ethnic Opportunities

Hi - I'm a newbie (both here in Toronto and on-line to this group), 
I may have a side door of opportunity that could address some of Mr.Romanow's logical concerns with the non-commercial idea, and keep this enthusiasm rolling. 
What if you could broadcast one of these 'non-commercials' for a company without paying for air time - a test run with some some tracking intelligence to use as marketing collateral once it had been aired to show to future companies who would be interested in a refreshing change in advertising? Sure you put your own time in and energy into producing the shorts at first, but doesn't every entrepreneur when breaking new ground - to then be compensated by being the leaders of something new and intriguing or even just to get your name out there? 
I think I can provide that free air time for you to at least TRY this idea out and give you a medium for getting yourselves out there. And, I might help set you down a path for the next big demand - ethnic markets. 
I am not a director/producer/actor... (maybe an aspiring extra!), but I'm surrounded by you wonderful creative types all the time and my job is to connect you with those stale linear thinkers ;). I'm the Director of (Multicultural) Marketing and Communications for the Ethnic Channels Group. We have over 54 CRTC licences and broadcast our multi-cultural channels on Rogers, TelusTv, Bell Express Vu, Shaw. As a Category 2, we have 15% Canadian content on our channels, which we can fill with whatever we choose..... a non-commerical sounds interesting. We have revenue from advertising, but most revenue comes in from subscriptions to our channels, so we are quite open to new ideas...we might even have prospective companies who you could use as your guinea pigs or arrange some type of compensation from. 
The key of course, is that the non-commerical would need to be in-language (Russian, Hebrew, German, Vietnamese, Arabic, Farsi, and soon to be others) OR if I understand the intent of the non-commerical to be emotionally motivating... this can be without words and work across all channels. OR if the non-commerical is targeted for Filipinos it can also be done in English. 
Best of all, we have state of the art editing facilities and a broadcast room, which could be used to cut down on some of your material costs (maybe?). 
Anyway, as Canada becomes more and more ethnically diverse, and the advertising world becomes more saturated and thirsty for something that will 'stand out' - this could be really quite good. Its not my area of expertise, so if you want more information, I'll try and hook you up with people here who do production and meet with advertisers. You can email me off-line at: [address removed] 
I'm renovating my new house, so I won't be able to make it to the meeting, but keep me in mind if this interests any of you (... oh and if you need an extra! I'm on facebook!haha) 
Tade Credgeur 
Director of Marketing and Communications 
Ethnic Channels Group Limited 
907 Alness Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2J1 
Telephone:(416)[masked] ext 303 
Facsimile: (416)[masked] 
Email: [address removed] 
For more information visit us on-line at: 
>From: Douglas Romanow <[address removed]
>Reply-To: [address removed] 
>To: [address removed] 
>Subject: [filmind-21] Noncommercials - questions 
>Date: Wed, 18 Jul[masked]:11:23 -0400 (EDT) 

>Hello Amr, 

>I am a composer, mixer and record producer. I worked as score >recordist/mixer on "One Hundred Days in the Jungle, [which won a Gemini]" >"Zeyda and the Hitman," and most recently, "Walk All Over Me" [just >accepted into TIFF]. 

>I am intrigued by your "non-commercial" idea and have watched the >enthusiasm for this idea grow in this thread. Great projects start with >great ideas, and yours has certainly struck a chord! I have a couple >questions, which I'm sure you'll hear from potential buyers and >broadcasters. I place them here in this thread as an encouragement to you >and others as you develop these ideas further. 

>Who will produce these shorts? How will the production companies, film >makers, and vendors be compensated? Creating properties "for free" is >exhausting work, unless there are clear, articulated objectives as to who >the target broadcasters/buyers will be and what remunerations are >expected. If I understand the current model correctly, it is being >suggested that a number of filmmakers will create shorts [at their own >expense], to be pitched to the same broadcasters, in the hopes that >someone will purchase the spot? In this scenario, there will be many >resources invested and only a few [if any] winners. 

>The question to me seems to be this: How does one create an enterprise >[develop a property] in such a way that it creates enough momentum and >enough resources to pay for the next project and simultaneously develop >the careers of the parties involved? 

>I'm interested in discussing this project further with you at one of your >meetings. I am producing a band in the UK and leave tomorrow, so will >miss your next meeting. But I will be reachable via e-mail should you >like to chat further. Also, I have a 5.1 surround mixing facility for >scoring and post audio mixing. 

>Best to all, 


>Douglas Romanow 

>Fire Escape Recording 
>258 Wallace Avenue, Suite 207 
>Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
>M6P 3M9 

>Studio: [416][masked] 
>[address removed] 

>Quoting Amr El-Nowehy <[address removed]>: 

>>Hi All, 
>>During the last meeting I suggested an idea to the 
>>group but I didn't have a chance to elaborate on it. 
>>After I got a feedback from some of the participants, 
>>I decided to write it up and email it to the list. 
>>I've finished my part time film school two years ago. 
>>The problem 
>>most of us struggle with is how to start our careers 
>>as filmmakers. Many of us choose to make short films 
>>to show our talents and to get experience, or simply 
>>to do what we like to do. The only problem with shorts 
>>is the limited exposure and audience they get. 
>>I call my idea: noncommercials. Noncommercials are 
>>commercial length (30 sec) short films that are aired 
>>on T.V. as frequently and in the same time slots as 
>>regular commercials and which are also paid to the 
>>broadcaster by a business or a company. So far sounds 
>>exactly like commercials, right? 
>>One difference is that noncommercials are not meant to 
>>advertise a product, a service, a certain political or 
>>religious cause or even the sponsoring corporations. 
>>Not directly at least. The noncommercials are meant to 
>>have a message that touches, moves and inspires the 
>>people who watch it on a personal level. It's about 
>>how we view ourselves, relationships, ..etc. In short 
>>it's meant to deliver what meaningful feature films 
>>try to deliver, but we are supposed to do that in 30 
>>sec as 
>>oppose to 60*90=5400 sec. 
>>Who said it's easy to be an aspiring filmmaker? :) 
>>The following are some messages I collected from 
>>quotes, movies and even commercials. I'm just using 
>>them as examples: 
>>* If you're given two bad choices, do your best to 
>>create a third one. 
>>* just do it! 
>>* Accept pain as part of life-and you'll get stronger 
>>than death itself. 
>>* You have to be a little crazy to step out of the 
>>box. But you might 
>>find an incredibly wonderful world out there. 
>>* Stop the petty arguments with the people you 
>>love-they make life shorter. 
>>* We all crave acceptance from others. But the real 
>>challenge is to 
>> give this acceptance to ourselves 
>>I hope you got the idea. 
>>The second difference is that we produce the shorts by 
>>our own means first and then we show them to the 
>>sponsors and let them choose the films they like to 
>>sponsor. That's why it's better to avoid controversial 
>>issues. The sponsors should be motivated and proud to 
>>have their names as sponsors at the end of your film. 
>>I hope most of us can manage making 30 sec T.V. 
>>broadcast quality short film/video with a reasonable 
>>I think it's a win-win deal on all four fronts: 
>>1. Filmmakers: we have a chance of getting a very good 
>>exposure with a very reasonable budget and effort. 
>>2. Sponsors: they get to associate their names with a 
>>positive and touching film. And their risk is minimal 
>>as they get to choose the film after it's made. 
>>3. T.V.: get the money. 
>>4. the audience: will be touched and inspired by your 
>>This is the idea in short. And it's still just an 
>>idea. I have some action items in mind. But first I'd 
>>like to hear from you. Please let me know what 
>>questions, ideas and suggestions you have in mind. 
>>Criticism is welcomed as long as it comes with a 
>>suggestion that address the criticism. 
>>I hope to hear from you soon. 
>>Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone >>on this mailing list ([address removed]
>>This message was sent by Amr El-Nowehy ([address removed]) from The >>Toronto Film Industry Meetup Group. 
>>To learn more about Amr El-Nowehy, visit his/her member profile: >> 
>>To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here: >> 
>> Customer Service: [address removed] 
>>632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA 

>Douglas Romanow 

>Fire Escape Recording 
>258 Wallace Avenue, Suite 207 
>Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
>M6P 3M9 

>Studio: [416][masked] 
>[address removed] 

>Douglas Romanow 

>Fire Escape Recording 
>258 Wallace Avenue, Suite 207 
>Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
>M6P 3M9 

>Studio: [416][masked] 
>[address removed] 

>Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on >this mailing list ([address removed]
>This message was sent by Douglas Romanow ([address removed]) from The >Toronto Film Industry Meetup Group. 
>To learn more about Douglas Romanow, visit his/her member profile: > 
>To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here: > 

> Customer Service: [address removed] 
>632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA 

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Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed]
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To learn more about Tade Credgeur, visit his/her member profile: 
To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here: Customer Service: [address removed] 
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