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What we’re about

I run monthly Conscious Touch and Embodiment evenings in Totnes, Devon
This is an evening of nourishment through dance and movement to help you get more embodied, followed by a chance to give and receive sensual (NOT sexual) conscious touch.
Touch soothes our nervous systems. Come along and get topped up in a very simple way with much needed touch!
This is a fully clothed workshop – we will first be exploring your boundaries and talking about consent and safety.
I run Deep Dive Relating Skills for Life over four months, a closed in-person group
We will be exploring using some self-inquiry, exercises for deeper embodiment, and meaningful sharing. We may connect gently with each other through supportive touch and movement.
This course will include theory and new tools to help you understand how you are relating to the people around you. There will be an opportunity for processing any obstacles and exploring attachment woundings with Lynn.
As a couple, you will gain knowledge which greatly benefits your relationship for a fraction of the price of couples therapy.
I do online counselling for individuals and couples.
Please visit
Contact Lynn on 07971544979 or