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Good New, Bad News, New News!

From: Hollis
Sent on: 16 Ekim 2014 Perşembe 19:08

The GOOD newsWe're welcoming a new member almost every day. We're now up to 480. When I "rescued" this group after the original organizer left, we had only 88. There is obvious enthusiasm for a business networking group in Istanbul!

The BAD news: When I accepted the organizer role, I hoped it would be temporary until a new organizer stepped up and took over. I was even willing to stay on as the official sponsor (the one who pays for the group on Meetup!), as long as others helped run it.

The NEW news: I plan to give up leadership as soon as we reach 500 members. I'm not the right person to lead it. I live in New York, even though I visit Istanbul frequently. This is NOT good for running a local group!

The one meeting that took place during my tenure was terrific (a lovely dinner at Kafe Krepen in Beyoglu), and I wish we could keep the momentum going, but it hasn't happened. I see all the profiles of new members, and I wish I could meet every one of you in person. The members I DID meet were fantastic and fascinating people! This could be a worthwhile and useful network.

If YOU are interested in taking over leadership of this group. PLEASE step up NOW! I am giving a little "advance warning" so members will have an opportunity to think about this and consider the options. Once I resign, Meetup will allow two weeks for another organizer to take over before disbanding the group. That would be sad, and a wasted opportunity to maintain a vibrant and productive fellowship.

It is discouraging to see a well-formulated fellowship of 500 people that provides no service and brings no value to its members. I am convinced that other people can do a better job than I can, if only because of my location. I hope that someone will notice this, be inspired to take over, and help this group fulfill its potential.

As they say, "the ball is in your court"!


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