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Trails Cafe Hike to the Griffith Park Observatory and Snack/Light Lunch at Top!

Photo of Terry
Hosted By
Terry and Val


Greetings, Transition To Green Community!

We will be returning to our much-beloved meeting spot at the Trails Cafe, and then enjoy a hike up to the Griffith Observatory, a hike our group has done many times before. Remember that all Transition To Green hikes are family-friendly (and for children above the age of eight). We have welcomed pleasant, cooler autumn weather since the end of October, with even a few light showers, and anticipate mild conditions for our November hike, with excellent outdoor conditions expected for our trek in beautiful Griffith Park.

We will be meeting in front of the Trails Café on the second Sunday of the month. During the winter months - e.g. January, February, and March, we will meet at 10:00 a.m., and will hit the beautiful nearby trails no later than 10:15 a.m. At our halfway point, at the Griffith Observatory, we will stop for a snack or light early lunch at the Cafe at the End of the Universe, where we've enjoyed some healthful meals during recent hikes, with a newly expanded menu including veggie and vegan options (by request) also available.

Please bring a reusable water bottle and wear hiking boots or tennis shoes with good treads on them for gripping the ground. Also, bring a hat or visor in case the Sun decides to beam down on us. Wear some SPF 30 on your skin, especially if you're light-complexioned. You may want to apply some sunblock on your nose to prevent burning there.

Transition To Green isn't liable for you in the city park - Griffith Park area, which includes the hiking trails. You are going at your own risk.

Any questions or concerns, please email through the Contact Us tab that appears under "Organizers". Looking forward to visiting with everyone!

Best Regards,

The Transition To Green (T2G) Team


What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?

Parking can sometimes be challenging near the Trails Cafe, so consider carpooling if possible, or else take the Metro Red Line (subway), whose closest stop is at Hollywood and Western, a little less than one mile way from our starting/ending point ( )

Photo of "Transition To Green" Community group
"Transition To Green" Community
See more events

Every 2nd Sunday of the month

The Trails Cafe @ Ferndell Park/Griffith Park
2333 Fern Dell Drive · Los Angeles , CA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location