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Public Speaking Course for Complete Beginners

From: KANU
Sent on: Sunday, April 3, 2016, 7:57 PM

(Do not pay attention to number of attendees here, as the event is sold across other platforms as well, expect an approximate number of 11 people in the course)


Full course fees is 140 pound  and If interested the  40 pound deposit needs to be paid on Eventbrite:


Hello and welcome all to the 5 week public speaking beginners course! We have a very friendly, supportive and non-judgmental environment, which is a great place to begin your public speaking journey.

This course will follow an approach of having relaxation/mediation exercises in the first hour, fun and slightly challenging exercises in the second hour, leaving the final hour for improvised speeches. This course has a very practical approach giving the speakers plenty of opportunities to speak. We believe practice makes perfect.


Public speaking is a very useful skill to develop in life. It not only helps you to do things such as presentations at work and university but also develops your inner qualities in other areas of life allowing you also to improve your social relationships with people, as you learn how to express yourself better.


Even if you are not interested particularly in public speaking, this course is great for building confidence.


What to expect from this course


Each week we will cover and practice in detail each of the following pillars of a confident public speaker:


·  Breath and pace


·  Voice projection


·  Physicality (body language and eye contact)


·  Content (structure)


·  Intention and congruency


·  Emotions and tone variety


We will constantly monitor your progress throughout this course and discuss them with you. Tailored-made exercises will be made for each speaker, depending on his/her's needs. In the last class of the course you will have the opportunity to prepare a speech for the class. If you have done well and you feel comfortable to advance you will have the opportunity to join the next stage improvers course.


Who is the course aimed at


This course is aimed at people who fear public speaking and are complete beginners with no or very small public speaking experience.


Shy, anxious and introverted individuals are most welcome!

Price and Payment details


£140 for the 5 week course lasting 3 hours.


3 hours x 5 sessions, works out slightly over £9 per hour.


To book the course you need to pay a £40 deposit, remaining £100 can be paid in 2 instalments throughout the course

Deposit can be paid here on meetup or on Eventbrite:




On Monday's: beginning the 29th of Feb, 7th of March, 14th of March, 21st of March and 28th of March from 18:30-21:30.


Size of class


Approximately 10 people


What you will be able to do by the end of the course

· Deliver a 2-3 minute presentation in front of a small audience

· Feel much more confident about your public speaking


· Know how to handle your fears

Should you prepare or bring anything:


No. Just bring is a willingness to grow and challenge yourself! That is the best to overcome your fears.


Background about the facilitator:


Michael Sokolin holds a BA in Entrepreneurship and Management and a MA in Consultancy and Coaching. He has previously worked as a management consultant in A.T. Kearney and managed an international team in the strategy department of Groupon.


Having a strong passion for public speaking and drama, Michael has constructed a strategic step-by-step approach for gaining more confidence in public speaking. His approach draws from various public speaking trainings, improvised comedy and drama classes that he has been attending for the past couple of years.


Michael's goal is to identify your weakest areas, and focus mainly on them, so you can grow your confidence in the most proven and practical way.


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