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New Meeting: Homebrewers Unite!

From: Brian
Sent on: Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 8:17 AM
Announcing a new meeting for The "Tucson Beer Nutz-What Can I Say, I Love BEER" Club!

What: Homebrewers Unite!

When: Friday, March 28, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone who homebrews or is interested in the brewing arts

Why: Beer will most definitely be flowing....of course, it may be boiling hot and scalding your face - but it will be flowing indeed.

Meeting Description: Come join us down at Skervenstein Badezimmer-Brauerei (aka my house) for a home brew session. My brew buddy Mike and I will be making a double batch of American Pale Ale. The process normally takes 2 or 3 hours (depending on how much we drink....).
We'll have the full turkey cooker set-up going in the driveway/carport and will be breaking in the new 15.5 gallon brew pot I made. If you brew beer at home or have ever thought about doing it or are just curious about it come on out.

If you do come bring along a bottle of one of your favorites to share with the group. Thanks!

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