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Re: [TucsonBeerNutz] Tucson Hop Shop

From: Joanne M.
Sent on: Saturday, September 26, 2015, 12:02 PM
Awesome, thanks Bruce.

On Sep 26, 2015, at 10:20 AM, Bruce Joseph <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi all,
I just wanted to let you know that Tucson's newest craft beer bar, Tucson Hop Shop, celebrates their Grand Opening next Friday and Saturday, October 2 & 3.
The shop is currently open for its soft opening.
Tucson Hop Shop has 19 rotating craft beer taps (2 nitro) and a dedicated nitro tap featuring cold brewed coffee.  There are roughly 150 bottled beers to enjoy on premises, or to go, as well as wine and soft drinks.  You can also purchase home brew kits and supplies.
The Hop Shop has a great outdoor patio/beer garden, a loft and a beautiful bar.
Tucson Hop Shop
3230 N. Dodge Blvd
In the Metal Arts Village, on Dodge, one block north of Ft. Lowell.  (SE corner of Dodge Blvd and Farr PL)
It is also very close to the Rillito Bicycle Path.
Monday Closed
Tuesday 2–9 pm
Wednesday 2–9 pm
Thursday 2–9 pm
Friday 2–11 pm
Saturday Noon–11 pm
Sunday Noon-8 pm
Stop on by, say hi and grab a few brews.

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