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Safe Place Suicide Survivor Support Group

Photo of Samaritans of New York
Hosted By
Samaritans of New Y.


Samaritans Safe Place meetings are free and offered twice a month at easily accessible locations in New York City.

Only survivors–those who have directly lost a loved one to suicide–can attend these meetings and participants must be 18 or older. There are no exceptions.

Meetings are run by trained facilitators that are, also, respected Samaritans volunteers who are experienced in dealing with the complex issues surrounding suicide and its aftermath. The meetings are run as peer support groups, where the people participating have the opportunity to focus on their thoughts and feelings, challenges and difficulties coping with their loss, without any undo pressures or expectations or other people judging them or giving them advice.

To attend a meeting please register at:

For more information:

Photo of Support Group for Survivors of Suicide Loss group
Support Group for Survivors of Suicide Loss
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