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Mailing list vs. message boards...

From: Petey
Sent on: Thursday, April 5, 2007, 2:56 AM
We have a mailing list now, but the message board was devoured. It evens out - it wasn't a wildly active message board. I think you need to sign up for the list at the site - and please do! and you can set your preferences there, too.


The first thing we can discuss is Edward Scissorhands, the new stage adaptation. It will be playing at the Ordway April 10 - 15. As a group, we can get a 25% discount on tickets for the 10th, 11th, or 12th. Tickets are normally $38 - $60. This is coming up quickly, so if you are interested, PLEASE let me know IMMEDIATELY.

For more information on the production :


Keep in touch!

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