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Don't miss Ukulele Master Pops Bayless 5/6/18!

From: Mark L.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 2:09 PM

Hey, gang!

I want to encourage everyone to come see Pops Bayless on 5/6/18 at Four Bullets Brewery!

Great event for Beginners! I highly recommend this event for beginners. You may not think you are ready for fingerpicking, but think again! Pops is an amazing instructor, who will break everything down at an understandable level. Learning some things about fingerpicking will affect ALL of your playing.

Also a great event for Intermediate players and beyond! Pops will help you get to the next level of playing. His playing chops and teaching chops will help you get more from your axe.

Basically, this is a great event for everyone. Pops is funny, talented, and entertaining. If you are one of our members who hasn’t seen Pops Bayless, then this is a must-see event. Pops has been a part of Dallas Ukulele Headquarters history since the beginning, so many in our group are familiar with him. They know the workshops and concert are both memorable. Do Not Miss It.

I will also encourage people to come just to support the artist. The musicians coming to DUH events are coming on their own dime. We have been a strong support of these musicians in the past, which is why they like coming here. I want to make sure that strong showing continues into the future. Trust me, the workshop and show are well worth your time. I want everyone to come so that every professional uke player in the country knows Dallas is the place to play.

Feel free to send a little extra money, if you choose: It all goes to the artist. They will appreciate it. And it will encourage them to come again soon!

See you all there!


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