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What we’re about

Hola! 🙋‍♀️ Somos Jumanji, un equipo mixto de ultimate frisbee abierto a recibir gente nueva con o sin experiencia en ultimate frisbee🥏. Las únicas condiciones es que te guste el deporte y vivas en Alicante!

Entrenamos todos los martes y jueves en la entrada 5 de la Playa del Postiguet en el centro de Alicante. Los entrenamientos duran aproximadamente dos horas y solemos coronarlos con unas cervecitas 🍻.

Si conoces el ultimate frisbee, ya sabes todo lo bueno de este deporte. Si nunca escuchaste sobre él, te aseguramos que este deporte tiene todo para encanterte: playa, sol, competencia sana, mucha técnica y diversión! 🏖️

Anímate a probar! 😸


Hi there!🙋 We are Jumanji, a mixed and multicultural team open to receiving new people with or without experience in playing ultimate frisbee🥏. The only conditions are that you like sports and live in Alicante!

We train every Tuesday and Thursday in Playa del Postiguet (ENTRANCE #5) in the very centre of Alicante city. The training sessions last approximately two hours, and we usually crown them with a beer to celebrate 🍻.

If you know ultimate frisbee, you already know everything good about this sport. If you've never heard of it, we assure you that this sport has everything to enchant you: beach, sun, healthy competition, lots of technique and fun! 🏖️

Come and enjoy the beach with us! 😸

Upcoming events (4+)

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