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I miss all of your beautiful faces, except you Tim Hanna

From: Reuben Jaffe G.
Sent on: Monday, January 16, 2012, 5:27 PM
Hey Guys,

I think this Friday is as good as any Friday to tell you all to come out and lets get drinks. I haven't seen most of you guys in a while, and if you do not remember Reuben, I am the guy who forces thumbers into the end zone.

The Place: 61 Local;  on Bergen between Smith and Court (not in park slope but on the F line)
The Time: 5:30-6 pm until we move, please only bombard Tim's phone with annoying questions about how many people are there, if we are still there, and whether he is wear his lucky bra or not.
The Reason: We get to hang out with the wonderful Yvonne Li, salt of the earth person who is guaranteed to drink you under the table, don't believe me just dare her to beat you!

Really guys I just miss you all!
Reubes (force chicken wing) Jaffe Goldstein


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