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New Meetup: Frisbee Weekend!

From: Erik R.
Sent on: Monday, September 8, 2008, 2:26 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Brooklyn Ultimate Frisbee Meetup Group!

What: Frisbee Weekend!

When: September 12,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This weekend it will be lots of frisbee!
There will be pick-up games Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
We play at the long meadow near the picnic house.
Friday at 6PM
Saturday at 3PM
and Sunday Beth will announce shortly in a email.

Very important is that Sunday is our maingame for the week and its on Sunday that we all shall be there and play. Friday and Saturday is just an extra opportunity this weekend for everyone who have to much energy and needs to play some more. So if you sign up for the Friday and Saturday games please also sign up for the Sunday game!
So this is not an alternative to the Sunday game just an extra opportunity! (Think I made that clear now :) ) And please RSVP so we know the interest!

After the games we will of course go out together for some drinks, food, etc. Anyone have some good ideas?

And of course this is a friendly Pickup-game for all levels where everyone is invited and welcomed!


/Erik -[masked]

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