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New Meetup: 5:00 Beginner Game

From: tim
Sent on: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 11:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Brooklyn Ultimate Frisbee Meetup Group!

What: 5:00 Beginner Game

When: October 11,[masked]:30 PM

Prospect Park
Brooklyn, NY 11215

OK Folks. Lets do this. Game is gonna be at 5:30 to deal with rapidly waning daylight. I wanna get this game started right at 5:30 to take advantage of daylight so get to the field early so you can limber up. (always limber up). When you get out there come find me. I'll be the ruggedly handsome fellow in the tall sock and the Royals Visor (or the bandanna of the day).

This is a nice mellow game for all you folks looking to knock the rough edges off your disc game. For those who need it, here's disc in 10 simple rules (and no crappy sitcoms)

See y'all on the field.


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