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Emergency Picnic

From: Tony
Sent on: Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 5:44 PM


What are you doing this Friday?! Playing frisbee. You are playing frisbee at Busse.

Our communication must have hit puberty, because we definitely dropped the ball on announcing the 4th of July picnic with any kind of timeliness. So, sorry about that. BUT, good news is that it IS happening, and we WILL be barbecuing at a field through our normal entrance starting at 11am this Friday! It seems that is the day people have their 4th of July holiday off work, so that's when we'll be celebrating. Even better news, Vince will be there to grill, and Vince is awesome. I'm not sure when Heather posted on the website that the event will end, but considerate to be indefinite and all consuming. Frisbee is your life now.

To clarify, as there has been some confusion in the past (ahem Lisa), we will be playing ultimate as well as grilling, so bring your usual white/black shirt and shorts and water and stuff.

We prefer to collaborate for the event asking everyone to bring something for the whole group to eat (eg: a bag of chips instead of a sammie just for yourself). Bring a package of hamburgers, or a bags of chips, some homemade cookies, or whatever you want to share with everyone. Don't feel like dealing with that? We ask you donate $5 and we use the monies to run to the store and buy a few additional items. Not eating? Not eating? Still donate $5 because we also have costs like keeping up this website- through which you're currently finding out about this event, so it's kind of important! As a group we don't charge for membership, and these are the only events that help us afford costs. It's a win-win; can you eat $5 worth of hot dogs and cookies? I think so!

Bring your own drinks, water, and alcohol. No glass, the tree cops don't like it. Samurai swords tolerated. Also, no Crocs. It's not a forest preserve rule or anything, I just think they're stupid.

As always, everyone is welcome. Bring the family, the kids, the puppies, and friends, strangers, captives, hostages, whatever floats your boat.

Please RSVP and let us know what foodies (if any) you intend to bring, it helps keep things organized:

See you there,

Taylor Swift

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