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What we’re about

Umbraco Leeds is a monthly meetup group for anyone involved or interested in Umbraco. Whether you're a developer, content editor, project owner or just curious to hear about what it's all about - come along to one of our meetups and you'll be sure of a warm and friendly welcome.

Where & When is it?

Right now, we're doing Zoom like most meetups. Our regular slot is the first Thursday of each month. This year we're trailing a new format rotation which includes our regular evenings of talks, social evenings and the newest inclusion of lunch meetups.

The new lunch format is designed to fit neatly into your workday and give you a time-boxed hit of Umbraco goodness. It's particularly focused toward folks who don't usually attend the evening meetups and is designed to be really concise and give you takeaways similar to what you'd get from a "lunch and learn" style meeting that a lot of tech places host.

What do we do?

We aim to have talks related to Umbraco at 2 of every 3 sessions. Sometimes it'll be one longer talk and others it's two shorter ones. For the non-talk sessions it's a mix of social activities depending on the time of year. Check our events to see what's coming up.
The format for talk-based evenings is usually to start a zoom at 7pm. We do a few introductions, remind you about our code of conduct and then run through the Umbraco news & upcoming events. 

We kick off the talks around 7:15 and they're generally done by 8:15. Once the talk is over we're now adding a formal break to the online meeting to allow you to grab a drink or leave without feeling that guilt of being the "first to leave an online meeting" when it's totally acceptable if you just came for the talk  (we get that plenty of people have family commitments, or that you might have spent all day on Zoom/Teams already).

Am I welcome?

Yes. Everyone is welcome. We're an open group and as such there's no discrimination based on developer status, age, gender, orientation, beliefs or anything else. Please see the code of conduct if you're in any doubt. We'll always mention this at the start of our meetups too.

Any Questions?

Feel free to contact any of the organisers directly, or tweet us if you have any questions about attending, the upcoming event or especially if you'd like to give a talk. We're always on the lookout for people to present and would love to have you attend or speak our group.

You can find more info at the umbLeeds website, including a link to join our slack.