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What we’re about

Welcome to our Meetup! The book club is structured around reading and discussing one non-fiction book each month, typically on the second Sunday of the month but rescheduled as needed based on holidays or other special events. The meetings are currently hybrid and the percentage of people in person vs. on Zoom varies from month to month. Meetups are facilitated by the organizer to provide structure and direction to the discussion. All members are encouraged to provide their opinions, and all opinions are valued and respected.

Click to see a list of books we have read and the group's rating. Every month we choose the book for two months ahead. Members prioritize their book choices in a Google Form and then we run a ranked choice algorithm on the resulting set of votes. Members can suggest books in their RSVP to a meeting, in the Google Form, or by messaging the organizer directly. It is at the organizer's discretion which books are included in any given vote.

Upcoming events (1)

See all
  • The Big Roads by Earl Swift
    Scott's House AND Zoom, Berkeley, CA
    • Photo of Scott Hofmeister
    • RH
    • Photo of Kirsten Anderson
    • Photo of Richard
    • Photo of Jeff G

Group links