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What we’re about

The Unitarian Assembly is a community discussion group for Torontonians who believe in one God or are open to embrace the path. We affirm the truth of prophecy in Judaism and Christianity while welcoming other traditions.

The group is open to any sincere adult and there is no profession of creed or doctrine required while at the group. We are not affiliated with a particular denomination or religious organization.

Points of discussion include how to adhere to practice in a busy, secular society and how to discuss faith with friends and family amidst diverse opinion. Those interested in but still challenged by the idea of God are welcome to seek opinions and feedback. Study of and comparison between doctrines is invited when done respectfully.

The assembly will be similar to a book club or study group. Individuals may bring and read from their own scripture but this is not required. The organizer will have prompting ideas for the hour. Simply come ready to listen and speak.

The first meetup is planned for mid-November. The joining question asks what brought you to the group and what you hope to get out of it. Thank you for being here!

Upcoming events (2)

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