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From: casey e.
Sent on: Thursday, November 3, 2011, 10:43 AM

Hello Everyone!!!

On behalf of UHA we want to thank everyone that is on this Meet-Up for all of your dedication to help save as many dogs as humanly possible! We have seen some amazing results and we know it is due to the support of fantastic, devoted, caring people such as yourselves.

UHA wants to continue to have this amazing impact on dogs' lives and in order to continue with our work we need your help. The County Shelter System is enforcing safety standards that are very important to the work we do, and all our volunteers NEED to follow them. ALL UHA volunteers need to have completed the County Shelter Training Program. If you have not completed this training we will have to ask you to sit this upcoming Glamour Shot Day out. I know that's not what anyone wants to hear, but it is important that we follow the rules so that our group can continue to have the positive impact it is having at the shelter.

***Please respect this new requirement as it will allow us to maintain the healthy relationship we have with the shelter staff. ***

We are very grateful that the UHA will be the party the heads up the County Training Program for new volunteers so we will be able to offer these training sessions much more often, and can get you back out working with these beautiful dogs as soon as possible. We are in the works right now to set up a new training, and will send out the announcement as soon as we have the date.

Until then please hang tight and keep supporting UHA by asking about our behind the scenes volunteer opportunities. There is always more than one way to save a dog!! We look forward to talking more with you and look forward to seeing you at the upcoming training (details forthcoming).


Thanks Again!

Casey Erlanson

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