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Soul Connection At Will Workshop

Photo of Kim Doria
Hosted By
Kim D.
Soul Connection At Will Workshop


Cost: Love Offering

Watch HERE YouTube video describing the new workshop.

This beautiful and challenging process will guide you through a series of interactions which peel away the layers through which we generally communicate. You will land in a place of resilience and power that is always bigger than your circumstances.

What might I expect in this workshop?
Brian will lead you through a simple exercise in which you will learn to distinguish between the thoughts your brain is generating and The Real You. From this place you will be guided through processes that will open you up to lovingly and powerfully connect with yourself and others around you.

This Sacred Space requires a level of safety, vulnerability, and confidentiality which all participants agree to honor before the process proceeds.

“When you drop off what’s in the way, what remains is who you are.”
Once in this space, you will continue in a guided interaction, deepening your connection, and are finally given tools you will have for a lifetime. These will enable you to generate this sacred space with whomever you wish whenever you choose.

At the end of this workshop you will find yourself in a place of empowerment, connection, resilience, focus, and effectiveness. This is my promise to you. – G. Brian Kurtz and

Brian is a teacher and energy worker who calls in Spirit’s power and love to heal physical, psychological, and emotional issues. Brian’s divinely-inspired method includes chakra and life-history energetic residue clearing, client-specific healing, and divinely-inspired guidance sessions. Brian also works with children and pets, homes and work spaces. His Real You Conversation will support you in reaching your own soul, and allowing that to guide you through life’s greatest challenges with Grace and ease.

His Book, Access The Real You: Touching Your Divinity and Applying Its Wisdom To Your Life evolved from years of implementing his Soul Connection at Will© workshop series. These workshops place participants in that “namaste place” whenever desired, enhancing every relationship in their lives. In becoming clearer vessels for the Divine to work through us as us, every aspect of our lives improves.

Modality & Method
Brian's Healed by Spirit© modality is all his own. Refined over almost 40 years of service, Brian acts as a vessel to allow Spirit to work as required by each individual at that moment in time. Every session is different, and the results are over 95% positive on virtually every condition, including a perfect record with prostate cancer, 99% on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, 95% on chronic neck and back issues, and a near-perfect record in supporting patients with chronic depression through implementation of his Real You principles.

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