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Austin Unity Dev Community Event! (Show & Tell + Beer)

From: Finn S.
Sent on: Monday, July 27, 2015, 9:42 AM

Hey Austin Unity Devs!
We have had some amazing Unity tech events & workshops lately! 
..and many more to come this summer!
So, let's take a break from learning, and have some fun networking over some free beer!
(Courtesy of IGDA Austin:)

Calling all developers! Do you have a project you would like to talk about? Please let me know if you would be interested, and I'll add you to the presentation schedule!
The next Austin Unity event will give the opportunity for local Unity developers to showcase their projects, and speak briefly about what they are working on:)

We welcome developers of all levels to attend, and we will be offering some special deals & a prize to attendees! *hint *hint

Working on a cool prototype? - Awesome!
Working on asset store pack? - Awesome!
About to ship a game? - Awesome!
Already shipped a game? - Awesome!
..are you an artist, designer, programmer, producer, tester? Please come introduce yourself!

..please consider sharing your Unity experience with the group! It can be a great way to advance your professional network & let others know your skills!

The event page will post soon! Should be an awesome event!
Let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like to participate!



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