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Re: [ia-55] definitions of UX roles

From: Chris
Sent on: Sunday, February 9, 2014, 12:45 PM
Hi Diane,

I'm not aware of anything like what you are looking for.

The roles and definitions are usually overlapping if not contradictory. What you're called as a UX practitioner has more to do with where you've worked than it does your training or skill set.

In the list you gave below, I would say the first three are likely to be the same job (maybe the IA has some heavier taxonomy work, but I doubt it). Visual Designers deliver polished visal assets, usually in photoshop or directly in html depending on their style and experience. UX Researchers are typically not making design deliverables at all, but that also depends heavily on where they've worked before. In many shops the research is part of the design team and designers will own it, as inputs to design work.

Just My .02 cents.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Diane Pirritino <[address removed]> wrote:

Can anyone lead me to the best industry –standard set of definitions for the varied roles within the UX realm?



I am having a  challenge getting some of my clients to clearly define their needs. I know this will not keep clients from inter-changing and combining some of the titles and duties, but I’m trying to come up with the best way to define these job roles for training with my team.


UX Designer

Information Architect

Interaction Designer

Visual Designer

UX Researcher


And any others I may have missed.




Diane Pirritino
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