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Cheap Norfolk rental

From: Gary A.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 11:10 PM

Looking for your next rental then this might be it. This property does need work but can be a great investment.

 Repair estimate is based off actual contractor quote for the following: 

foundation bricks replaced with cinder blocks, roof work on the backside, flooring/carpet redone, minor floor board work, upstairs bathroom redone, kitchen spruced up, gas pack installed and duct work, siding redone, chimneys removed, closet space added to upstairs room, and a few other minor things. 

Can send you quote write up upon request. Price could be lower depending upon how you like your rentals as some things are not are must. Check out other details below and contact me if interested at [masked]

2bd/1.5 bth
1,162 sqft
Rent Estimate: $750/m
ARV: $75-85K
Repair Estimate: $22-27K (based on making everything new)
Asking Price: $18K
Deposit: $1,000

House is occupied until beginning of May. If closing occurs before they leave $3,000 of sale price will be held in escrow to ensure the property is vacated. At which time the funds will be released to seller as long as vacation occurs before May 11.


Video tour:

Gary Alford II
Alford Equity Group, LLC
[address removed]

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note5.

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