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RE: [preia] Heating and cooling

From: Mike D
Sent on: Thursday, April 28, 2016, 10:18 AM

I am not a huge fan of installing anything that can be “bumped” into by the tenant…such as a Mitsubishi unit.  They are too expensive and the tenants don’t care if they destroy them.  There are window units that heat and cool that are fairly reasonable and really do a good job.


Michael W. DiSisto

Sr. Controls Specialist

Surry Power Station

Nuclear Site Services

Office: [masked]

Tie-line: [masked]

Pager:  9806

[address removed]


Think before you print 2



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Gary Alford
Sent: Thursday, April 28,[masked]:15 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [preia] Heating and cooling


Does anyone use wall mounted electric heating or a/c units for their rentals. Is that even a good idea? What is good options for heating and cooling other than installing heat pumps, gas packs and such because they can be a pretty penny with doing duct work.

Gary Alford II
Alford Equity Group, LLC
[address removed]


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