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What we’re about

You CAN sit with us!
(I mean, most likely you can, unless we don't like you. πŸ˜‚ Read on!)

If you're looking to develop some authentic local friendships, so are we! WE are building an inclusive, intentional community. This modern life can be so isolating and depressing. Let's connect, get together and do some fun stuff. To be completely honest, let's mostly just see if we can provide a soft place to land and hand to hold for each other through the presently hateful hellscape that is our country! There is something so magical about having a group of people rooting for you and wanting only the best things for you. It's like nothing I have ever experienced and I want it for every single one of us.

Fair warning, many in this group are political progressives. If you're still a political conservative at this point in history really don't bother. We will not be friends. Not sorry. Your party stands and actively fights against everything we are standing up for in this group. We can compromise on fiscal policies, we CANNOT and WILL NOT compromise on the human rights of all living persons.

I am not a religious person, I will however respect your religious beliefs as long as you follow these simple rules:
1. Don't try to convert us
2. Your beliefs must be accepting and inclusive.
3. Any marginalized persons will be treated equally and welcomed by you.
There are religious, agnostic and atheist members of this group.

ALL women/femmes/non-binary/gender queer or questioning persons are welcome! (Trans women are women. If you disagree, do not come!) Our group is closed to male-identifying persons. No, this is not discrimination. This is a group for women and gender non-conforming people and we deserve our own space. Thank you for respecting this, it is not negotiable.

Also if anyone wants to help me with organizing events I would love it! Just message me.

Hope to see you soon!