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D&D at the Barons Manor in Surrey

Photo of David Murray
Hosted By
David M.
D&D at the Barons Manor in Surrey


Ale, Pub Fare, and Dice !

Thank you for joining us!

We normally have 2-3 tables each night, so please sign-up under #active-games on our Discord for in-person play:

If you don't have access to Discord, you can sign-up here and we will try to fit you in.

We follow D&D 5e Adventurer's League rules.

We are prepared to coach new players and DM's

There is no charge but if you have enjoyed adventuring with us please contribute to material costs here:

Useful Links for Organized Play:

Photo of Vancouver D&D Collective group
Vancouver D&D Collective
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Every week on Wednesday

The Baron's Manor Pub
9568 192 St · Surrey, BC
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
7 spots left