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Full time Ruby on Rails position at Wishpond

From: Ali T.
Sent on: Thursday, December 6, 2012, 6:22 PM
Hi Vancouver hackers, 

Wishpond, a high growth technology start-up in in Downtown Vancouver is looking for high caliber Ruby on Rails developers. Wishpond is growing really fast and we need you on our team to keep up with the growth. 

We are seeking a well-motivated full time applicant who has a strong background in software development. Applicants should have a passion for working in a dynamic start-up environment. The job responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: 

* Awesome Ruby on Rails programmer 
* Independent, well-motivated and fast learner 
* Solid experience in web technologies, including jQuery, MySQL, XML, and Javascript 
* Willing to learn and use new technologies 
* Be hard-working and have a can-do attitude

The successful candidate could start immediately. 

Interested applicants should send their resume and cover letter to [address removed]. In your cover letter, please state why you are interested in working at a start-up company. 

Candidates must be eligible to work in Canada. 

Ali Tajsekandar
Founder & CEO

[address removed]

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