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Fwd: Ruby contest information

From: Peter A.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 2:34 PM
Hi all,

I was asked to pass on this Ruby contest information to the list, so
here you go...



Dear Peter,

Please share this information with your Meetup Members.  If you
have questions, I can be reached at [address removed].


Marc Musteric
Invest Fukuoka North America

Fukuoka Ruby Award

The Government of Fukuoka Japan, together with the Fukuoka Ruby
Award Selection Committee, is excited to announce the opening
of the 2010 Fukuoka Ruby Award Competition.  The competition is
free to enter.  The grand prize is 1 million yen (approximately
$10,000).  Applications may be submitted Online at

Completed entry forms must be received by 5:00 PM Pacific Time
on November 20, 2009 to be eligible.

For detailed information, eligibility requirements, and to
apply, please visit https://www.f-ruby...­.
All inquiries should be directed to: [address removed].

2009 Awards:
The winners of the first Fukuoka Ruby Prize were selected from
among 78 entries from eight countries. Click here to view the
2009 prize winners:

Peter Armstrong
company - Ruboss (­)
books - Hello! Flex 4 (https://www.mannin...­), Flexible
Rails (­)
twitter - @peterarmstrong
blog - https://peterarmst...­

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