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Meditation on Twin Hearts for Planetary Peace and Illumination

Photo of Pranic Healing Vancouver
Hosted By
Pranic Healing V.
Meditation on Twin Hearts for Planetary Peace and Illumination


Pranic Healing Vancouver is hosting the Meditation on Twin Hearts online every Tuesday morning from 10–10:30 am Pacific time.

We'll meditate on Master Choa Kok Sui's Meditation on Twin Hearts for Planetary Peace and Illumination to bless every person, every being, every country, every continent with Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Power.

“When you do Meditation on Twin Hearts a lot of Soul Energy comes down. You become whole and more connected and one with your higher soul.”
–Master Choa Kok Sui

For more information on the Twin Hearts Meditation visit our website at

The meditation begins at 7pm Thursdays on line.

We suggest that you do the following physical exercises before and after the meditation so energy can flow through the body and to help release excess energy after meditation. This is Important. (the exercises take 5-6 minutes to do)

Meditation on Twin Hearts Exercises

1 EYE EXERCISE - rotate your eyes only in a big circle around the room -12 times each direction

2 NECK EXERCISE - turn your head side to side -12 times

3 SHOULDER EXERCISE - rotate your shoulders in each direction -12 times

4 ELBOW & FINGER EXERCISE - bend elbows and flick your fingers -12 times

5 WRIST EXERCISE 12 times - rotate wrists to the right -12 times , then to the left -12 times

6 TRUNK EXERCISE - keeping your hips facing straight, rotate the upper torso left and right -12 times

7 HIP EXERCISE - Rotate hips to right -12 times, then to the left -12 times

8 KNEE EXERCISE - bend right knee -12 times, then left knee -12 times

9 FEET EXERCISE - point the right foot up & down -12 times, then the left foot -12 times

  • rotate right angle to the right -12 times, then to the left -12 times
  • rotate left ankle to the right -12 times, then to left -12 times

10 SEMI SQUATS - 50 times


Link to DOWNLOAD a pdf of physical exercises:

How to prepare for the meditation


“Meditation on Twin Hearts is one of the most powerful meditation tools for spiritual development. It is a true gift from the Great Ones.”

–Master Choa Kok Sui

Photo of Vancouver Spiritual Events Group group
Vancouver Spiritual Events Group
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