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From: stephanie
Sent on: Sunday, August 9, 2015, 8:27 AM

I was so excited today to see that we are almost at 600 members and 100 past Meetups! We are growing quickly.  Almost daily I get an email that a new person joined our group.  It shows that fitness and veganism are becoming more popular.

By the way, the easiest way to communicate about upcoming Meetups is on Facebook. Go HERE to like our page.  This also helps to spread the word when you like the page and others see your like.

We have a kayaking Meetup coming up in a couple of weeks that Vlad is leading.  We are also considering a bike Meetup as well.

Eric is hosting a pot luck at his house (in Rockville) next month.  Thanks for hosting Eric!!  I want to say in advance that this needs to be all vegan.  No exceptions.  Thanking everyone in advance. We will post the specifics of what vegan is in case you're not sure.

By the way, there are local groups that help people with the vegan transition.  If you are still trying to be vegan, there are organizations and people who can support you (reach out to me anytime for support.).

Stay in touch and let me know if you have any Meetup suggestions.  If you would like to help organize, even better!



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