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Biking Rock Creek trail before the potluck picknic

From: Vlad
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2015, 10:17 PM

Hello all,

We are thinking about doing a bike ride before the potluck-picnic this Sunday the 23rd.

The plan is to meet up around 1 p.m. and try to do the whole trail, which I believe would be around 30 miles round trip, but we could do less.

I had never ridden the trail, so it would be nice to have someone who is familiar with a trail to help lead this bike ride, so that we don't get lost and get a better idea of where to park. We could park by the picnic area, but if some other group will be having a picnic there, there may not be parking available.

Please reply to this message if you are willing and able to help out and/or you would be interested in the ride.







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