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Re: [DenverAndBeyondVeganMeetup] Dr. Joel Fuhrman will be on the Dr. Oz Show on Monday (6-4) at 4pm

From: monica m.
Sent on: Saturday, June 2, 2012, 8:45 PM
I take Spectrum's "Vegetarian DHA" soft gels daily. I've never experienced a fishy taste! Whole Foods carries them. Mot too expensive either :)


On Jun 2, 2012, at 8:10 PM, MattA wrote:

Hi, Maureen:
I get my blood tested every 6 months or so, and I am pretty sure that testing for DHA & EPA levels is not widespread. So if you want to get tested, it will probably either cost you or you insurance company a fair piece of change. It is a tempting thing, after this information on Dr. Fuhrman's experiences, for me to think about being tested. But I don't think I am going to do so. Because even though Dr. Fuhrman does not recommend it for most people, I am concerned enough about my DHA levels that I take a supplement. I get it from Pangea Vegan It is their DEVA "Omega-3 DHA 'Softgels'." They have another DHA product, but those capsules can sometimes leave you with "fish breath." The DHA in both of these products are harvested from algae, and both of them are vegan. They are pricey, but may well be worth the cost in the long-run.
Matt, in Arvada
From: maureen <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, June 2,[masked]:19 PM
Subject: Re: [DenverAndBeyondVeganMeetup] Dr. Joel Fuhrman will be on the Dr. Oz Show on Monday (6-4) at 4pm

Thanks for the info! Does anyone know where I could get my DHA & EPA levels tested here in Denver(that wouldn't be too expensive)? I eat flax, hemp, and chia seeds fairly regularly, but not always daily.
Sent from Samsung Mobile

Phil Weinstein <[address removed]> wrote:

>Dr. Joel Fuhrman will be on the Dr. Oz Show on Monday[masked] at 4pm
>(Channel 7, KMGH-DT, an ABC affiliate).
>Dr. Fuhrman doesn't advocate only a 100% vegan diet.  His focus is on
>optimal diets for human health, as supported by the best health and
>nutrition science currently available (e.g. including the massive
>China-Oxford-Cornell Study).  This must be *either vegan* or
>*near-vegan* (i.e. ZERO to about ONLY TEN percent of calories from
>animal sources).  Much of Dr. Fuhrman's work is in *supporting vegans*
>in devising a life-long health protective diet.
>This particular show will be a bit off-message, in terms of both Dr.
>Fuhrman's emphasis on health and on the plant-based diet message. 
>Everything Dr. Oz presents is an incremental "quick fix" and the
>"greatest thing ever presented" about health.  (This show will be "The
>Dr. Oz Approved 7-Day Crash Diet" -- terrible framing).  That's just how
>the Dr. Oz Show goes.  But for anyone interesting in seeing
>"plant-strong" diets being presented in popular culture, this could be
>interesting.  And it will be a foot in the door for people who are
>pretty far away from the vegan community.
>About healthy vegan diets ... Dr. Fuhrman has found that the "LOW-FAT
>VEGAN" advice to be very detrimental to long-term health.  Animal foods
>and refined processed foods are the problem -- not FAT per se.  Hundreds
>of elderly long term vegans suffering from neurological diseases (e.g.
>Parkinson) which Dr. Fuhrman has treated over the last 20 years have
>shown up with -- not just a deficiency -- but a level of ZERO blood
>serum content of DHA.  DHA is vital to our brains and nervous systems. 
>Extreme Vitamin D deficiencies are common too, and very dangerous. 
>While Dr. Fuhrman recommends against dietary oils of any kind (with some
>permissible for those who are not overweight) , he insists on including
>*whole plant food fats* in *raw nuts* and *seeds *and *avocado *in our
>diets.  He especially recommends one tablespoon of *chia, hemp,* or
>freshly ground *flax seeds* at least almost every day (not just
>occasionally).  (Keep those refrigerated).  Also, a small number of
>people have difficulty converting the omega 3 fats in those plant
>sources (ALA) to the longer-chain omega 3's: EPA and DHA.  So /either
>/testing those levels OR /supplementing /with EPA and DHA is important. 
>Only 100 mg to 200 mg a day of each is needed.  Vegan sources of EPA and
>DHA are now available.
>For more information about Dr. Joel Fuhrman's findings and
>recommendations, google "nutritarian", or pick up one of his popular
>books, "Eat to Live" or "Super Immunity".  By the way, Dr. Oz wrote the
>forward to "Eat to Live" (originally published in 2003; 2nd edition:
>2011).  Dr Oz and Dr. Fuhrman knew each other as friends back in medical
>Here is the KMGH (Denver Channel 7) schedule page: See schedule:
> ... See Monday, June 4,
>2012, 4pm.  Here is a video promotion for the show:
>- Phil in Boulder

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